Monday, January 27, 2014

Liigume edasi/Move Along

Niisiis, blogspot või blogger, kui blogipidamise platvorm on end ammendanud. Lõputu jamamine piltide üles saamisega ei kanna erilist vilja.

Uus blogi leidis end siin: Parnassos konkreet.

Muud vast polegi, hakkan seda ajapikku äranägemist järgi kujundama jne. Esmane vorm on tal hetkel selline.


So, blogspot or blogger, as a platform for blogging, has met its end. Endless mussing with trying to get the images uploaded doesn't yield any success.

The new blog has found itself here: Parnassos Konkreet.

That's all there is, in time I'll get tweaking and tinkering on its design etc. For now, the preliminary form is this.

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